You could become a SUPERVolunteer?
For the SUPERCHAMPS to be a success we need volunteers: in the build up, over the whole weekend and for take down. If you love SUP or just want to be part of the SUPERCHAMPS team we would love to hear from you.
Event Chiefs
These key people will take a leadership role within each race to oversee the set up, smooth running, awards and take down. This role will be rewarded as we need the BEST chiefs to make each event happen.
Event volunteers
They are the heart and soul of the SUPERCHAMPS! Enthusiastic, helpful, problem solvers, our volunteers want to make sure the best event takes place for the competitors and spectators. Most of these roles are on a volunteer basis but we will offer you food & drink, event tee and VIP passes to some of the evening entertainment.
If you are interested in becoming a SUPERCHAMPS Chief and or volunteer please email to register your interest and to find out more.